Treasured by Holly

Holly PitcherComment

Well 2 weeks are you doing? I'm down 4.5 lbs :) got to love the beginning of a diet. I know from here on out it's going to be pretty slow, but it helps to have the encouragement of those first few pounds gone. My workout is going fairly well though I still struggle with some of the core exercises.

One that is particularly hard is what my trainer calls the Modified V Sit-up. I hold a 15lb weight and struggle to get to 25 reps. I can feel it not only in my core but my shoulders/arms as well. I made a little video to explain it best, but please be kind seeing it was 5:30 in the morning ;)


Holly Pitcher2 Comments
It seems like forever since I posted a WIWW. December usually looms chaotic at best and if it doesn't involve yarn it falls to the wayside. It is by far the busiest month of the year for me as I'm sure a lot of you can sympathize. Well I'm still digging myself out of December, but I found a couple of days where I actually remembered to take a picture :)

Random day: Errands

cardi - old navy
t-shirt - shade
jeans - gap
scarf/shoes - maurice's

These are my favorite part...clearance for $6.00 at Maurice's. I love them!!
Random day 2: boutique

t-shirt - banana republic
cardi - old navy
jeans - big star
flats - soda
scarf - pleated poppy

Here's to a new year and hopefully a lot more WIWW posts!!

Monday Discoveries

Holly PitcherComment
Great Finds To Start Your Week

Monday, Monday it’s almost time, don't be late!

The dash is on to decorate!

Among other things.

Sorry but my rhyming skills are only good for two lines, lol
If Mondays are not usually your favorite day,
I thought I'd make them a little brighter.
Each Monday I post a great new find.
With the help of Etsy and my new addiction Pinterest, of course.

This Monday it’s....The momAgenda Family Planner
This little calendar has literally changed my life!! I use the calendar on my iphone religiously and I also have a month calendar on my fridge, but there isn't enough space in the boxes to write down all the info for every event. So how does that help out the rest of my doesn't! Now I can fill in one week at a time with all the necessary info and every member in my family (the ones that read, that it) know exactly where they need to be and how long. Who's picking them up and what they need to bring/wear. It fits right on my fridge above the water/ice dispenser so that I can still keep my monthly calendar on the right side. Is was definitely the best $17.00 I've spent in a long time!! Here's the details from their site:
  • The unique momAgenda, week-at-a-view format in a handy magnetic pad
  • Undated so it's totally flexible
  • Featuring space for mom and up to four children each day
  • 50 sheets per pad
  • Size: 9" x 12"
  • but if I were you I would just head over to momAgenda and take a look :)

    Monday Discoveries

    Holly PitcherComment
    Great Finds To Start Your Week

    Monday, Monday it’s almost time, don't be late!
    The dash is on to decorate!
    Among other things.

    Sorry but my rhyming skills are only good for two lines, lol
    If Mondays are not usually your favorite day,
    I thought I'd make them a little brighter.
    Each Monday I post a great new find.
    With the help of Etsy and my new addiction Pinterest, of course.

    This Monday it’s....
    I found this challenge from Home Storage Solutions 101 on Pinterest and it immediately peeked my interest. When I looked at the details I knew it was something I could handle. I have completed week 1 of cleaning off the kitchen cabinets and sink.
    The first challenge was to keep the sink/counter clean (basically clearing the dishes) at least twice a day. It was super easy til the weekend hit of course, lol. Week 2 is Kitchen Drawers & Kitchen Cabinet Organization. Luckily I have all week for this steps, baby steps!

    Holly Pitcher3 Comments

    Anybody else feeling a little tight in the jeans area??? I told myself, back in October, that I was going to be careful over the holidays, but that declaration added up to 12.4 lbs, yikes. So here I am with the rest of the nation back in the "diet" saddle. I actually am not depressed about it because for the first time I can look back and say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. To me it was worth it. I had fun with my children making sweet treats, fun pit stops to DQ for mother/child talks and family parities full of food. I created memories and I can't complain about that.

    But with that comes the struggle to get back down to goal. So here's my challenge...12.4 lbs in 12 weeks starting today. Totally doable just a little over 1 lb a week.  Anybody want to join me??? I'll post the recipes I'm using and some exercise tips that I am learning from my personal trainer. Oh did I mention I have one. Yeah birthday present to me back in November that I'm just starting to really utilize. Since my theme of the year is to simplify I'm quiting Curves and just working out at Gold's Gym. I don't need both, but I figured since I did my weight training at Curves I should learn what I need to be doing at Gold's. It will be nice to only have to go to one place. It will not only save me money, but gas and time as well ;) Can't complain about that!!

    With my tips will come struggles and complaints so feel free to vent as well. We can do it together :) So here's to a new year and a new us, lol!!