Treasured by Holly

Monday Discoveries

Holly PitcherComment
Great Finds To Start Your Week

Monday, Monday it’s almost time, don't be late!

The dash is on to decorate!

Among other things.

Sorry but my rhyming skills are only good for two lines, lol
If Mondays are not usually your favorite day,
I thought I'd make them a little brighter.
Each Monday I post a great new find.
With the help of Etsy and my new addiction Pinterest, of course.

This Monday it’s....

It's an amazing online shop that will let you customize any of their products for $7.50. Like this dress below, but want sleeves...they will do it!

I actually really do want this dress...super cute and this top...

I purchased a top from them and I love it!!! It arrived with a cute little bag holding a measuring tape for next time. That way I can customize, wahoo!! The top is so comfy it was like wearing pjs.

I actually planned on wearing skinny's and riding boots, but I was lazy and didn't get my laundry done...oh well. Nobody's perfect especially me, lol!!!